Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Books Review: Mar '11

1) The Stranger: This novel is written by Nobel Prize winning writer Albert Camus. The story is of a person who has murdered and facing death penalty. The whole story is narrated by the person himself. It explores the condition of the person who is emotionless, dispassionate and an aberration from the normal lot. The story doesn’t excite for the people who have watched the movie Shawshank Redemption. There, everything is more vivid. I had seen the movie. So, this book felt nothing great.


2) Moonwalk: Autobiography of the best entertainer of our times Michael Jackson is a wonderful read, especially if you are a fan of him. It talks about his personal and professional life (probably in his case, the demarcation line was very thin!), his humble beginnings from his group Jacksons 5, his stay in Motown, his versatility, the albums: off the wall, thriller, bad, nurturing of his talents by many especially Quincy Jones, his convictions and believes, his love for children and mankind as a whole and lot more.

                        Being a star right from a tender age is a difficult thing, he says fame comes with a price and it is heavy. There will be no privacy left. His experiences with the press, the distorted image that they always portrayed always troubled him. The background and the stories behind many of his songs like beat it, Billie jean, don’t stop till you get enough, she’s out of my life are discussed. As I am his die-hard fan, I enjoyed thoroughly reading this book with his own songs being played in the system!!

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