A popular law of physics says unlike charges attract each other, like charges repel each other. Applying the law in the realm of mind one can say that many a mind have excessive fetish for the negatives than positives. Negative matters make more and quick impact on us than the positive ones. In all the range of emotions that we are capable of, the intensity is more in negative emotions than positive ones say our anger is more intense than our love. Enemies make more impact than friends.
Try this one: like someone very much and detest someone to the core; I can take a bet that the person whom you detest will be in charge of your mind for most of the time than the person you like. This is the chicanery played by the mind. What a tragic life that would be to be guided by the enemies or the people whom you loathe! This kind of behavior is what Stephen covey called as ‘enemy-centered’ attitude which is a failure right from the start.
The world is actually a beautiful place. Or one can say that the world is neither good nor bad but actually thinking (or perception) makes it so. But the TV or the media in general has made the world look like such a messy place that if one were to believe in it, then one has to conclude the doomsday of the world is not far away. The affinity towards negative obscures the reality. That combined with the shoddy journalism makes the journos to portray the world as a messy place.
There are many beautiful people around the world doing many beautiful things. But the channels seem not to be interested in them at all. Jack the ripper is remembered more than any saintly person. We know the name of psychopaths like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer than people who have impacted the society in some positive way. In fact, in some societies the negatives are celebrated. In the popular culture of the U.S. you are considered cool if you are a gangsta. Even girls like bad boys you know!
So when the focus like this develops, we tend to think the world is a bad place which is getting worse by the day. This will increase the negative outlook towards life and is dangerous for individuals as well as for the society.
Amidst all these I am reminded of Dr. Sudarshan. He is a doctor by profession. He could have had a lucrative career ahead of him. But inspired by the words of Swami Vivekananda, he decided to do service to the downtrodden and backward. He started living with the Soligas (a tribe that lives near B.R hills of Chamarajanagar District). Establishing trust with them, he slowly affected them by educating them. Now after many years of his tireless work, Soligas are not only an improved community, but also there are many graduates amongst them. Unlike many religious groups which in the cloak of serving people do the religious conversion, Dr. Sudarshan did not have any ulterior motives. His motive was service and service alone.
People like Dr.Sudarshan can seldom become the darling of media. There are many people like him who are doing service not for any popularity but purely for the sake of service. They are affecting society positively in their own ways. The scale of their work may be small or large. We need to develop some positive outlook towards life looking people of this kind than fretting over the past or being gloomy about the future just because some garbage news channel showed some non-sense!
Try this one: like someone very much and detest someone to the core; I can take a bet that the person whom you detest will be in charge of your mind for most of the time than the person you like. This is the chicanery played by the mind. What a tragic life that would be to be guided by the enemies or the people whom you loathe! This kind of behavior is what Stephen covey called as ‘enemy-centered’ attitude which is a failure right from the start.
The world is actually a beautiful place. Or one can say that the world is neither good nor bad but actually thinking (or perception) makes it so. But the TV or the media in general has made the world look like such a messy place that if one were to believe in it, then one has to conclude the doomsday of the world is not far away. The affinity towards negative obscures the reality. That combined with the shoddy journalism makes the journos to portray the world as a messy place.
There are many beautiful people around the world doing many beautiful things. But the channels seem not to be interested in them at all. Jack the ripper is remembered more than any saintly person. We know the name of psychopaths like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer than people who have impacted the society in some positive way. In fact, in some societies the negatives are celebrated. In the popular culture of the U.S. you are considered cool if you are a gangsta. Even girls like bad boys you know!
So when the focus like this develops, we tend to think the world is a bad place which is getting worse by the day. This will increase the negative outlook towards life and is dangerous for individuals as well as for the society.
Amidst all these I am reminded of Dr. Sudarshan. He is a doctor by profession. He could have had a lucrative career ahead of him. But inspired by the words of Swami Vivekananda, he decided to do service to the downtrodden and backward. He started living with the Soligas (a tribe that lives near B.R hills of Chamarajanagar District). Establishing trust with them, he slowly affected them by educating them. Now after many years of his tireless work, Soligas are not only an improved community, but also there are many graduates amongst them. Unlike many religious groups which in the cloak of serving people do the religious conversion, Dr. Sudarshan did not have any ulterior motives. His motive was service and service alone.
People like Dr.Sudarshan can seldom become the darling of media. There are many people like him who are doing service not for any popularity but purely for the sake of service. They are affecting society positively in their own ways. The scale of their work may be small or large. We need to develop some positive outlook towards life looking people of this kind than fretting over the past or being gloomy about the future just because some garbage news channel showed some non-sense!