Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Books Review: September '11

     1) Saints and mystics: This book is a brief biography of a few saints and mystics of the world & is published by Ramakrishna Mutt. The saints and mystics that are covered are: Pavhari Baba, Baal Shem Tov, Swami Brahmananda, St. Vincent de Paul, Sri Narayana Guru, St. Teresa of Avila, Kabirdas, Swami Virajananda, Goda Devi, Sri Aurobindo, Gopaler Ma, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Guru Gobind Singh, Akka Mahadevi.
     Though I knew about a few saints in the book, I did not know in detail about the lives like those of Pavhari Baba, St. Teresa or Guru Gobind Singh. It was a good read. 

     2) Many lives, many masters: This book is written by a prominent psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss. It starts with a patient with several psychological disorders coming to Dr. Brian for help. In order to cure the patient, the doctor goes for the hypnosis, regression therapy. But after a few sessions, to his amazement the patient in a session instead of going to the early childhood or infancy slips to a past life. The doctor could not believe it because science has not acknowledged the existence of past lives though in some religions the belief exists. But he could not dismiss it as some non-sense because the descriptions given by the patient is so very vivid and accurate and besides the patient had a strict catholic upbringing which doesn’t believe in past life. It was neither hallucination nor delusion because as a trained psychiatrist, he knew the symptoms of those. 

The doctor continues the past life regression therapy and many previous lives of the patient get unfolded. To his surprise, the problems that the patient had began to heal at a very rapid pace than it would in normal type of therapies. This convinced the doctor about the existence of past as well as the future lives. At the end of multiple sessions of therapy, the patient became more than normal, radiating vibrancy. This is a good book in the fields of Para-psychology or ESP.

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