I started blogging in 2010 - which is just about a decade ago. When I started, I did not have anything specific in mind - I just liked writing. The name was different at the beginning (not Theme India), which I don't remember. But as it evolved, I observed most of the posts had one common theme - India. Hence the name.
There are some digressions of late - there were posts that were just monologues, some of them sort of you could find in personal diaries, some travelogues, things like that. I thought it was important to have one more medium - one dedicated to India-centric topics and the other for the rest.
Although I considered having my own domain, personal and professional commitments are not allowing me to spend the time I used to spend before in blogging which doesn't justify having my own domain. Hence I have started my other blog in "Medium".
Blogging has been a great journey so far. Thanks for all the encouragement, kind words of support in all these years. This space will remain and continue. Thank you.