[This was in a draft from a long time. Just thought of redeeming it quickly]
One of my ways of escaping from the incessant chatter of thoughts is to bury myself in some good literature or shove my ears to the headphones and go with the crescendo.
It seems how hard you may try, some thoughts refuse to go away. The pattern repeats and it goes all circular. There is no point in indulging in it, you know. But alas! you can't stop it. All those descriptions likening the mind to monkey make more sense to you now. I take refuge in music. For a brief time, I seem to be free. If I were an alcoholic, I would have taken refuge in alcohol. It would have calmed me down. Music does no less a job.
These are but temporary solutions. The more I think about it the more these Buddhas's word makes sense to me - " It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell ". The toughest challenge you face is not someone, it's just yourself. It's perhaps true that if you have managed to successfully handle yourself, you can handle anything in the world.