If there was one impending doom that could be called as the greatest to befall on Independent India, that could be called as ‘congress’. That was one baggage we could have done without. Instead of disbanding it for good as per the aspirations of the Mahatma, it was left to stay. The lust for power knows neither principles nor ethics. It triumphs everything else.
But, why such animosity against such a ‘great’ national party which did so many ‘sacrifices’ for the nation you may ask. Well, the issue under discussion merits at least the scope of a full book. The ills inflicted on the nation, the aspirations of the people cut short, the number of hopes betrayed, and it will be too long to even mention all the sins committed by congress.
The best test would be to list all the problems distressing the Indian populace and the problems plaguing all the political parties across the nation. I can take a bet that a phenomenal number of them can be traced back to congress, its ideology (does it have one?) and its misrule. From falling over backwards for minorities to dynastic politics to dividing on communal and caste lines – everything – has its roots in the congress party.
To start with, when Congress got the mandate to rule the country after independence they inherited a great number of traits from the erstwhile rulers, the British. They continued to despise the people and their aspirations, they continued to see how they can hold onto the seat willy-nilly, and the worst them of all: they continued to Divide and rule. In fact, congress has mastered this strategy of dividing the country into smaller and smaller pieces in the name of language, religion, castes and whatnot!
If the country is divided into umpteen number of pieces, if one faction is at war with the other, if regionalism has triumphed over nationalism (and a large number of people have sympathies for regionalism than nationalism) think that there is a grand wicked hand of congress at work. In fact, congress not only represents a party but it stands for a culture – a culture that now has been imbibed by many other small parties. It’s a culture of settling scores of political rivals, corruption of gargantuan magnitude, legacy of betrayal, sycophancy (most important), keeping the people in perpetual poverty and ignorance, needless reverence of one particular family (dynastic politics, in other words), rendering of constitutional institutions into the state of powerlessness, killing free speech – in short, killing democracy inch by inch.
Although the hegemony of congress over the nation has dented over a period of time, it takes some more time for its abject decimation. India and congress are like two mutually exclusive events – For India to progress, congress has to go with all of its manifestations or should congress stay, India can never be on the path of progress – that’s a given. To be more straightforward, I consider congress to be akin with a cancerous tumor which has to be removed should the person needs to survive. Here, the person is India.
On the contrast, with all its problems and squabbles - BJP in the national level -- is something you can still entrust your hopes on. Although the original ideology of placing nation above the party and self has definitely deteriorated over time, it has still not died completely. Still, there are leaders who can selflessly dedicate themselves for the task of nation building. Besides, should I have to choose other party than the BJP or the congress there is not a single party which can throw a real challenge to congress other than the BJP at a pan-Indian level. So, it’s also the deprivation of choices that makes me vote for the BJP. With its many obvious flaws, if you consider BJP to be evil, it is much lesser evil compared to congress and all of its manifestations – any day! That’s why, my being pro-BJP is just incidental but my being anti-Congress is something permanent.
But, why such animosity against such a ‘great’ national party which did so many ‘sacrifices’ for the nation you may ask. Well, the issue under discussion merits at least the scope of a full book. The ills inflicted on the nation, the aspirations of the people cut short, the number of hopes betrayed, and it will be too long to even mention all the sins committed by congress.
The best test would be to list all the problems distressing the Indian populace and the problems plaguing all the political parties across the nation. I can take a bet that a phenomenal number of them can be traced back to congress, its ideology (does it have one?) and its misrule. From falling over backwards for minorities to dynastic politics to dividing on communal and caste lines – everything – has its roots in the congress party.
To start with, when Congress got the mandate to rule the country after independence they inherited a great number of traits from the erstwhile rulers, the British. They continued to despise the people and their aspirations, they continued to see how they can hold onto the seat willy-nilly, and the worst them of all: they continued to Divide and rule. In fact, congress has mastered this strategy of dividing the country into smaller and smaller pieces in the name of language, religion, castes and whatnot!
If the country is divided into umpteen number of pieces, if one faction is at war with the other, if regionalism has triumphed over nationalism (and a large number of people have sympathies for regionalism than nationalism) think that there is a grand wicked hand of congress at work. In fact, congress not only represents a party but it stands for a culture – a culture that now has been imbibed by many other small parties. It’s a culture of settling scores of political rivals, corruption of gargantuan magnitude, legacy of betrayal, sycophancy (most important), keeping the people in perpetual poverty and ignorance, needless reverence of one particular family (dynastic politics, in other words), rendering of constitutional institutions into the state of powerlessness, killing free speech – in short, killing democracy inch by inch.
Although the hegemony of congress over the nation has dented over a period of time, it takes some more time for its abject decimation. India and congress are like two mutually exclusive events – For India to progress, congress has to go with all of its manifestations or should congress stay, India can never be on the path of progress – that’s a given. To be more straightforward, I consider congress to be akin with a cancerous tumor which has to be removed should the person needs to survive. Here, the person is India.
On the contrast, with all its problems and squabbles - BJP in the national level -- is something you can still entrust your hopes on. Although the original ideology of placing nation above the party and self has definitely deteriorated over time, it has still not died completely. Still, there are leaders who can selflessly dedicate themselves for the task of nation building. Besides, should I have to choose other party than the BJP or the congress there is not a single party which can throw a real challenge to congress other than the BJP at a pan-Indian level. So, it’s also the deprivation of choices that makes me vote for the BJP. With its many obvious flaws, if you consider BJP to be evil, it is much lesser evil compared to congress and all of its manifestations – any day! That’s why, my being pro-BJP is just incidental but my being anti-Congress is something permanent.