Perhaps one of the most notorious autobiographies ever to be penned down Mein Kamph is an account of Adolf Hitler’s life spanning from his birth to his ascendance to power. It gives a detailed account of the historical views, the prevalent political conditions that existed during the time of First World War and the period after viewed in the lens of Hitler. The original book is in German. It is translated to English by James Murphy.
The book starts by paying homage to twelve martyrs who laid their lives for the National socialistic party. Then it tells the story of Hitler’s birth in Austria, his parents, his love for painting, the relationship between Germany and Austria. Hitler’s intense love for Germany is very evident right from the beginning. A voracious reader he was, he read many books which helped him to form opinions about the political realities of his day and the problem that his nation faced. He forms opinion that there are two evils that are vexing Germany: Marxism and Jews. He has analyzed Marxists very well in some parts but he links Marxists with Jews.
Then he explains about ‘propaganda’, how it should be carried out. There can not be any better person to explain these other than Hitler. As a die-hard racist, he concludes the highest aim of human existence is conservation of race, the Aryan-blood is the purest and the rest of the races are subordinates to the Aryans. He analyses the causes for the defeat of Germany in the WWI, understand the mass psychology of people, devices methods to appeal to them, Then he actively involves himself in politics, builds National Socialistic Party which has a new Weltanschauung (A comprehensive view of the world and human life) amidst various hardships, develops oratory skills, charismatic appeals and ascends to the party leadership position.
In this autobiographical note, Hitler has mentioned everything that he wants to do once he comes to power: the kind of allies that Germany needs to have, the kind of society he intends to build, the emphasis on racism, the need for ethnic cleansing (though the word is not spelled out), everything horrible he has done finds mention or at least have clue in this autobiography.
The book starts by paying homage to twelve martyrs who laid their lives for the National socialistic party. Then it tells the story of Hitler’s birth in Austria, his parents, his love for painting, the relationship between Germany and Austria. Hitler’s intense love for Germany is very evident right from the beginning. A voracious reader he was, he read many books which helped him to form opinions about the political realities of his day and the problem that his nation faced. He forms opinion that there are two evils that are vexing Germany: Marxism and Jews. He has analyzed Marxists very well in some parts but he links Marxists with Jews.
Then he explains about ‘propaganda’, how it should be carried out. There can not be any better person to explain these other than Hitler. As a die-hard racist, he concludes the highest aim of human existence is conservation of race, the Aryan-blood is the purest and the rest of the races are subordinates to the Aryans. He analyses the causes for the defeat of Germany in the WWI, understand the mass psychology of people, devices methods to appeal to them, Then he actively involves himself in politics, builds National Socialistic Party which has a new Weltanschauung (A comprehensive view of the world and human life) amidst various hardships, develops oratory skills, charismatic appeals and ascends to the party leadership position.
In this autobiographical note, Hitler has mentioned everything that he wants to do once he comes to power: the kind of allies that Germany needs to have, the kind of society he intends to build, the emphasis on racism, the need for ethnic cleansing (though the word is not spelled out), everything horrible he has done finds mention or at least have clue in this autobiography.