1) The Natural State: This one is a compilation of conversations with U.G. Krishnamurti. Neither the man nor this book can be classified into any category or genre whatsoever. In one sentence, if I have to describe what he tells I can put it like this ‘he destroys every kind of established beliefs and doesn’t give a new one in their place’. That makes him the more complicated. One thing is for sure. One can’t be the same as he/she was before after reading the book.
A small quote from the book” Unless you are free from the desire of all desires—liberation or self-realization—you will be miserable. The ultimate goal which society has placed before us is the one that has to go. Until you are free from that desire you cannot be free from any of your miseries. By suppressing these desires you are not going to be free. This realization is the essential thing, going as it does to the crux of the problem.
It is society that has placed before us the desire for freedom, the desire for liberation, the desire for God, the desire for self-realization. That is the desire you must be free from. Then all these other desires fall into their own natural rhythm. You suppress these desires only because you are afraid society will punish you if you act on them or because you see them as obstacles to your main desire, freedom.”
2) In an antique land: A book which is a hodge-podge of fiction, history, an account of autobiography, religion, anthropology is this book called In an antique land by Amitav Ghosh. The author has done a deep study before writing the book which is very evident in all the chapters of the book. It mainly focuses on the life in the Islamic world mainly Egypt and also the customs over there, the people etc. And also talks about Jews, Hindus, and how many customs are intertwined and also a great deal about the trade between Arab and medieval India People interested in fiction and history will like this.