There are basically just three ways to think or see the things. The first approach is optimistic, the second is pessimistic and the last is the realistic.
A pessimist is the one that always see the things in the negative shades, gathers all the info that are negative and generally has a negative outlook about life as a whole. On the other hand, an optimist is the person who sees the world in rose-tinted spectacles, sees only positive in all the things and most of the times avoids negatives. A realist is the person who sees the things as they are.
Pessimism is a horrible way to exist. Being pessimist, we end up being like rag pickers. Optimism is definitely better than pessimism and it is encouraged by many. Many people sermon to embrace optimism. Optimism can mend many a situations according to our requirement and positive outlook towards life enhances life, no doubt.
But realism is always better than optimism or pessimism any day because realism is the way in which we see the things as they are without sabotaging our intelligence with some petty pre-conceived notions. Pre-conceived notion, good or bad will never let to see us the things as they are, so we usually miss out the truth ascribing to some philosophies. If we have to act on anything or have to understand anything completely, we should be able to see the things as they are. Else, we miss out many simple but great things in life.