There is one scene in the movie “Enter the Dragon” in which Bruce lee preaches a kid. One particular dialogue says ‘be like water’. If one contemplates upon this, this has a lot to teach us.
Water doesn’t have a shape of its own. It takes the shape of the container in which it is present. That’s its inherent quality. It doesn’t distinguish between the kinds of the container. It just takes the shape without any pre-judgment. Once it is out of the old container and placed in the new one, there will be no traces of the old one.
This principle can be applied to our personalities. The personality should not be rigid. It should be fluid-like. In fact, it is better to have no personality! In life, we face gamut of experiences. If we don’t have any personality, we can act completely to the challenge at the given moment. If the personality is strong, the action will never be complete because, personality is always of the past. One can never act completely in the present if he/she is burdened by the past.
It is time for us to leave the burden of the past and act completely at the present.